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Handmade wooden dolls with Armenian ethnic illustrations are the main focus of Mareh brand souvenirs. This brand includes handmade doll pendants, tapestry carpets, embroidered items, illustrated bags and tablecloth, various tableware.

Why choose Mare?

A piece of Armenian authenticity. this is how the souvenirs of Mareh brand can be called. They represent many branches of Armenian applied art such as tapestry, embroidery, painting are represented in them. Mareh’s products are based on 20 years of experience, summarizing the professional skills and taste of an artist designer.

Peace ambassadors.

The doll illustrations were launched at the commemoration of the 100 year of the Armenian Genocide. First, dolls-pendants decorated with the nuances of Armenian costume were born. They are small figures of Armenian women to remind the buyer of the Armenian people, the Armenian Genocide and the strong will of those who survived that tragedy. They also carry another symbol – to simply be the ambassadors of peace. Later, in addition to small pendants, they started to illustrate bigger wooden dolls with ornaments of the Armenian national costumes.

What is hidden under the QR code?

Mare has joined the traditional values with modern technology. The QR code used in the compositions made of dolls gives an opportunity to familiarize with the Armenian national song and dance corresponding to the costume used.