Tavush tour. Day 3

And so, on the way to the mountain peaks of Gochakar (in translation – magnificent), bad weather overtook us, thanks to which our path became more extreme. Now imagine a mountain road, a mystical fog covering the peaks, rain beating strange rhythms on the roof of the car – a real vibe from the movie “Twilight”.
But nothing leaves such an impression as the warmth and hospitality of the locals. Along the way, we stopped at a mountain settlement of local residents and went into the nearest hut, where grandmother Agavni met us. In just a couple of minutes, the best lunch imaginable was prepared for us: fresh vegetables and fruits, homemade bread, homemade cheese and mountain sour cream. The hospitality with which we were greeted by the hostess of the house cannot be described in words. Be sure to add this unforgettable experience to your list.
Let’s tell you a secret, Ijevan is an excellent starting point for hiking in the mountains, to ponds, valleys, waterfalls and caves. Interesting fact: the clean mountain air and richness of nature are very different from neighboring landscapes, since the area is located in a picturesque canyon surrounded by forests and meadows. If you don’t believe us, see for yourself.
Hello friends,
The summer days have come to an end, but do not despair, you still have the opportunity to enjoy the splendor of Tavush. Here’s a little advice for you – autumn is the best time of year to relax in Tavush. And now, let us tell you about the final day of our tour – the city of Ijevan.
Having rested and recovered from the impressions of the previous days, we said goodbye to the Kamar hotel and went to enjoy nature in the vicinity of Ijevan. Already according to the tradition of our tour, we pampered ourselves with a Tavush-style breakfast at getaovitresort. What could be better than breakfast in nature under the shade of a tree and the murmur of a river? – Exactly, we don’t know either.
Before we tell you about the route of the introductory tour, meet our partners ijevan_extreme_tour, thanks to whom we overcame the most difficult parts of the journey.

The last stop was the famous Carpet restaurant. We recommend everything here, but be sure to try the tolma set. An amazing combination of tolma flavors from tomatoes, bell peppers, onions and even lemon! Definitely the best tolma you’ve ever tried.
So, in a cozy and friendly atmosphere, enjoying delicious food and wine, we remembered all the adventures, places, jokes and incidents, shared our impressions and preferences. By the end of the evening, the tour participants, who had become our friends, reluctantly went to Yerevan.
Once again, we assure you that nothing whets your appetite like being in the fresh air. Having finished our mini-trip to the mountains with all its romance and charm, we went to qaravansara_resort to taste stunning pork entrecotes. If you are a fan of gastrotourism, it would be a crime not to try the famous Tavush kebab.
Having rested and gained strength, we headed to the Moro-Dzoro Monastery – a monument of the early Middle Ages of the 5th century. Directly next to the territory of the monastery there is a small workshop morihandmade, where the tour participants took part in a wood carving masterclass.