Tavush tour. Day 1

Nothing opens up the appetite like being in nature, fresh air and open space. Let’s open this beautiful place DiliJazz Hotel & Restaurant for you. A place where you can enjoy European cuisine, classic jazz music stylish and comfortable atmosphere and even a pool with a gym.
What could be better you ask? – and we will answer you without a shadow of a doubt Dilijan horseriding is our next point. Unleash your inner cowboy, the Indiana Jones or Lawrence of Arabia deep within, and hop in the saddle – take our advice.
After a day full of adventures we went to enjoy local cuisine/overnight stay and check-in at Aghavnatun Wine Guesthouse. No words can describe this place just come here taste, see and finally have rest from every day’s routine. (Final tip – ask for a glass of Kinea wine or a bottle).
That’s it you think but no, the final spot of our long trip is Mer Lerner best place to remember childhood time and feel again this school camp vibe. Rock climbing, camp fire, open space cinema, camp food, hiking etc. imagine that all in one spot.
As you can tell it was a long day full of impressions, but there is more to come. Follow our publications to learn about other locations – day 2 Noyemberyan and Berd communities.
Hi there,
Let us present you aFAM trip organized by Tavush Tourism Development Agency NGO in cooperation with Room9.1 Creative Agency. We did our best to include both known and not so popular routes of Tavush region and tourist experiences in the program. To cut a long story short here are the details of the first day of our journey.
So the welcoming ceremony took place at the famous Dilijan`s twists by sculpture of no less famous Bears family. Why did you stop here would you ask – the answer is this spot is where Tavush character manifests for the first time. And don`t forget to signal three times for a good fortune.
On passing through Dilijan`s twists we did a breakfast break at Haghartsin Complex enjoying English meal on a Tavush nature lap. But here is a note! Never leave Dilijan`s twists without tasting a boiled corn, and if you lucky enough try grilled one.
Thanks to our good partners Around Tavush we reached to one of the picturesque points of not only Tavush but Armenia (we dare to say) Dimats mountain. This spot is known for its unforgettable natural beauty along the celebrated splendor of majestic mountains as well as an unrivaled Cliffside vantage point. This place is real paradise for those who want to combine enjoy an off-road experience and vacation in the lap of nature.
So basically we were lucky ones because we saw both the marvelous view and seized a mystic fog at the same time.